Callbacks are not new to contact centers. Patents can be traced back to the 1990s. While the positive impact on the customer experience (CX) is acknowledged, adoption remained limited, mostly helping with call spikes.  

Things have changed dramatically in the last 12 months. Sustained capacity issues and new use cases are driving a renewed interest in the solution. In particular, callbacks turned out to be very effective for  

  • transferring self-service interactions that cannot be fully resolved to the best customer service agent 
  • handling digital process exceptions requiring the assistance of an associate 
  • assisting online sales for high price, expensive, or emotionally loaded purchase decisions 

Traditional solutions prompt customers for being called back when an agent is available instead of waiting in queue. While an improvement over keeping them on hold, they fail short of addressing traffic surges and these new use cases.  

Enters campaign-driven callback, a breakthrough solution that enables callbacks to be: 

  • Scheduled. Contact centers and customers can choose when callbacks should occur. 
  • Omnichannel. With most people using mobile phones, SMS can keep them informed about their callback requests. But there is more. Once a conversation is connected to SMS, it can be pivoted to another digital channel or a bot.  
  • Workflow-driven. Messaging provides an effective way to process retries, should the customer not be available when the call is returned. 
  • Optimized. Calls can be grouped into batches for greater efficiency and scheduled for when agents having the best skills to handle them are available. 

To learn more about what to expect from a modern callback solution, you can contact us or check here